Our Mission is to create edible, medicinal & ecological landscapes for bio diversity to thrive with abundance in the green spaces throughout our local Community. The Earthly gifts our tended gardens will provide, such as - beauty, food, medicine & native plant habitat for wildlife, can help foster a deeper connection & appreciation to the natural cycles in our Ecosystem. Serving past, present, and future generations, and the Earth itself.


Ecological Landscape Services

  • Pollinator Garden/Mini Meadow

    Planted with a diverse array of native perennial wildflower species that bloom throughout 3 seasons. Attracts butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, birds, and beneficial insects.

  • Food Forest Design

    Edible landscaping designed with permaculture techniques. We plant in multiple vertical layers to make the most out of space for an abundance of perennial food to harvest from your yard.

  • Rain Garden

    Utilizing seasonally wet spaces, by digging a depression that we then fill with well drained soil & plant with deep rooted perennial flowers that soak up water in the rain and withstand drought all while creating a beautiful pollinator and bird habitat.

  • Annual Food Garden

    Garden planning and design - Soil analysis and improvement strategies - Plant selection and care recommendations - Pest and disease management - Sustainable gardening practices - Landscape enhancement projects

  • Living Willow Fence

    We plant and weave willow shrub branches in March to the form of living structures such as: fences, tunnels, domes, and archways.

  • Routine Garden Maintenance

    Our team of knowledgeable ecological landscapers can designate which plant is an invasive weed to be removed and which plant is a native plant that we planted. We offer a bi-weekly garden maintenance service through the growing season that is priced fair to your gardens size.

  • Medicinal Herb Garden and Consulting

    Medicinal plants chosen, depending on your land & health needs to support optimal wellness & connection. Consulting and implementation with our experienced Herbalist

  • Forest Habitat Restoration/Riparian Buffer Planting/Invasive Plant Removal

  • Woodland Habitat Restoration

    Thinning Canopy Trees to allow more sunlight to forest floor & adding understory trees, shrubs, vines, Herbs, roots, and woodland flowers for a biodiverse habitat.

  • Lawn to Meadow Conversion

    You may qualify for a Free Lawn to Meadow/Forest Conversion through a program with the PA DCNR who we contract for. (1/2 acre minimum)

  • For the Hunters

    Native Fruit & Nut trees to add to the food plot and create shade cover habitat

  • Riparian Buffer

    Riparian buffers are essential natural ecosystems situated along waterways, acting as a crucial interface between land and aquatic environments. These vegetated areas play a significant role in maintaining water quality by filtering pollutants, reducing runoff, and stabilising shorelines. Additionally, riparian buffers provide habitat for diverse plant and animal species, supporting biodiversity while enhancing the resilience of freshwater ecosystems. By conserving and restoring these areas, communities can safeguard their waterways, promote sustainable land use practices, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Emphasising the importance of riparian buffers is vital for protecting our natural resources and ensuring the health of our ecosystems.

Native Plant Nursery

What makes our nursery different?

We are the only Native Plant Nursery in Blair County. We source & collect all of our seeds locally from our own yard or other gardens we have planted. We cold stratify the seeds until they are ready & plant them in our back yard green house. We nurture them with our homemade comfrey tea and compost tea for nutrients until they are ready to be planted on their new land.

The foundation of our ecosystem is rooted in native plants.

Many insects depend on native plants as their only source of food. Unfortunately we have filled our landscapes with foreign plants that native insects do not recognize and cannot utilize, disrupting the balance in our ecosystems that has been harmonizing for thousands of years. We are currently experiencing a massive loss in insect populations. This includes the Monarch butterfly which is teetering on the endangered species list and bees which are needed to pollinate 80% of our agricultural foods. With over 2 million acres of private and public turf grass in Pennsylvania we can help play a major role in restoring the abundance of bio diversity on Earth simply by having climate adapted native plants in our yards, parks, and community gardens.

Volunteer with the Wildones!

We partner with local NonProfit  Wildones PaRidge&Valley Chapter at least once a month on tending/planting/designing Community Gardens throughout the neighborhoods of Blair County

Join us to get involved with local Blair County projects like Reciprocity Community Food Forest

Reciprocity Community Food Forest Plan in Llyswen Neighborhood of Altoona, Pa.

“Being naturalized to a place means to live as if this is the land that feeds you, as if these are the streams from which you drink, that build your body and fill your spirit. To become naturalized is to know that your ancestors lie in this ground. Here you will give your gifts and meet your responsibilities. To become naturalized is to live as if your children’s future matters, to take care of the land as if our lives and the lives of all our relatives depend on it. Because they do.”

— Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass